Contact Us at (915)229-0123

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We’re now accepting enrollment for Pre-K through 12th grade for the 2024-2025 school year!

Help a child receive a Christian foundation for life.

Make a donation to our scholarship fund.


Mission Minded

Our mission at Keystone Christian School is to disciple young people to transform their world by faith in God, knowledge of Biblical principles, understanding of those principles and wisdom for applying those principles to every aspect of their lives.

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Service Oriented

With Christ as our example, our Faculty and Staff serve our students and parents. We know that students will learn the power of serving others by the example we set through Christ in us. We will teach students by example to look not only to their own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Students throwing graduation hats

Future Focused

Abraham Lincoln said “The Philosophy of the classroom in this generation will be the philosophy of politics, government and life in the next.” We are focused on changing the future of our nation by establishing Biblical truths as the foundation for every  subject taught in the classroom.

A Place For You!

We believe God made you to be you. Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it.” At KCS we will help students discover and develop their unique God given gifts, talents, potential and destiny through spiritual discipleship, academic studies, and extracurricular activities.

Open House

Want to come meet our great Faculty and Staff? Want to check out our classrooms? Want to get more information on KCS? Then you want to join us for one of our open houses!

Admission Info

Ready to start the Admissions process? We have everything you need right on our website. Follow the Admissions link to get started today.

Christian Curriculum

At Keystone Christian School we use an entirely Christian based curriculum. We believe that God is not only interested in being a part of Bible class but that He created the world we live in and that we should study that world, whether it be Mathematics, Language Arts, History, or Science, through the lens of his perspective. We are committed to teaching our students a Biblical Worldview – a lens by which they view all aspects of life through God’s Word.

Biblical Integration

Proverbs 1:7 says “The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning and the principal and choice part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; but fools despise skillful and godly Wisdom, instruction, and discipline.” Our curriculum and our teaching will integrate a Biblical view of each subject. 

Advanced Academics

We will prepare our students through a challenging curriculum that teaches them to analyze the subject matter, evaluate it based on principles they have learned, connect it to other subject matter and ultimately apply what they have learned. Our students are training to be world changers!

Technology Services

Our society today is driven by technology and innovation. Keystone Christian School is dedicated to using the latest technology tools in the classroom to help enhance learning as well as teaching our students how to appropriately use technology to further their education.

Partnering with Parents

The uses of technology in education are endless. Through technology, we are able to better communicate with parents and allow parents to stay connected to teachers and to the administration. Parents can find out what is happening through the school both traditionally and online. We are using technology to better serve our parents, students and teachers.

Keystone Christian School - El Paso


Our El Paso, Texas school is located on the west side of El Paso, inside Harvest Christian Center.

Call Us

For the El Paso office, please call (915)229-0123.

We can also be reached through email by contacting us here.


Partners in Education

Because we believe that a three-fold cord is not easily broken (Eccles. 4:12), Parents, Pastors and Teachers must become partners in educating our students. We encourage parents in participate in their child’s educational journey. Through technology, parents can be connected with their child’s teacher, be updated about the classroom, and keep informed about what is happening at Keystone Christian School.

T.E.A.M. Parent Organization

“TEAM” Together Everyone Achieves Miracles. We cannot do what we do without amazing parents. Our parent organization called “TEAM” promotes and allows parents to be involved in Keystone Christian School in the areas of their interest and expertise. TEAM is made up of one parent representative from each class along with TEAM officers and TEAM chairmen of each Arm of TEAM.